Recommend a friend for
fantastic rewards
Good people know good people. Get up to £250 in vouchers when you recommend a friend or colleague that we successfully place.
You can choose which voucher you’d like, so your reward can be spent on anything, from retail therapy to experience days.
You can recommend and be rewarded as many times as you like.
The way it works
1. Refer
Send us your friend's name and contact details (phone or email). Name as many friends as you like in one go. Or ask your friend to name you when they register with us.
2. Confirm
We acknowledge the referral to you by email. Only referred candidates who are not already registered with us qualify for the Recommend a Friend reward.
3. Contact
We contact your friend direct, in the strictest confidence.
Your details will also remain confidential.
4. Reward
You'll receive your reward when your friend is placed in a permanent role and remains in their position beyond the agreed rebate period. To be eligible, placement must be made within six months of registering with us.
Rewards by salary
£25,000+ salary
£35,000+ salary
£45,000+ salary
£55,000+ salary
£65,000+ salary