Get results fast with 
Retained Recruitment

Get results fast with
Retained Recruitment

Extra resources, expert advice, excellent results.

Expect great things from our strategic
Retained Recruitment service, ideal for recruiting:

  • At scale
  • A senior executive or board level appointment
  • A highly specialist role

Tailored recruitment consultancy

To cover all work done in advance of placement, and advertising costs if required, we charge an upfront consultancy fee for our Retained Recruitment service. The only other cost will be the introductory fee, payable when the successful candidate starts their employment with you.


We find out about your company and your needs with an introductory meeting at your offices.

In this introductory meeting, we discuss what skills and experience you’re looking for. We spend time with all relevant stakeholders and tour your factory or facilities for further insight into your business.

All this will be led by our sector-specific Senior Consultant, who will be your main point of contact throughout the process.


Our campaign proposal sets out how we plan to fulfil our brief at speed.

Tactics may include direct approaches to specific individuals, or those with a particular job title. If specified, advertising campaigns will identify key print and digital media. Fundamental to every search is our nationwide bespoke candidate database built over three decades.

As a member of global trade body APSCo, you can trust that all our methods comply with its professional Code of Conduct.


Our campaign proposal sets out how we plan to fulfil our brief at speed.

A team of specialists in your market dedicates their time and expertise to the search. We recruit even high-level roles in 4-6 weeks – at least half the time it can take without a recruitment expert.

Timely updates from our Senior Consultant keep you (and the candidates) fully informed throughout. We handle all interview feedback, job offer and resignation support, right up to the day your new employee starts with you.
