How to prepare for a video job interview

How to prepare for a video job interview

In today's digitally connected world, video job interviews have become the norm. Whether you're interviewing for a remote position or just simply due to the convenience of technology, being confident and well prepared in attending a video job interview is crucial.

Although it’s not physically in person, it is still your chance to make a strong first impression, demonstrate your skills, and land your dream job. Here's our guide on how best to prepare for a video job interview and ensure you leave a great first impression.

Get familiar with the technology
Before the interview, ensure that you are comfortable with the technology you'll be using. Test your internet connection, webcam and microphone to ensure they're working correctly. Download and set up any required software or apps, such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams or Skype. Familiarise yourself with the platform's features, such as screen sharing and chat, as they may be used during the interview. It may help to conduct a trial run with a friend or family member a day or two before the interview to check your audio levels and video quality. To ensure everything is working correctly on the day, log in to the video interview platform 5-10 minutes early. 

Find the right location
Find a quiet, well-lit, and clutter-free space for your video interview. Ensure the background is clean and professional so it won't distract the interviewer. Natural light is always the best source of light; but if that's not possible, use soft, diffuse lighting to avoid any shadows on your face. Also, position your camera at eye level to make the conversation feel more natural.

Dress professionally (from head to toe!)
Dress as if you were attending the interview in person. Choose professional attire that's appropriate for the role and culture of the company. Solid colours work best on camera, so avoid flashy patterns or overly bright tones. Even though the interviewer may only see your upper body, it's a good idea to dress professionally from head to toe. This will help you feel more confident and professional, plus it's a precaution in the unlikely event of needing to stand up or move during the interview.

Prepare your interview environment
Ensure everything you might need during the interview is within reach, such as a copy of your CV, a notepad and pen for taking notes, a glass of water, and any relevant documents or notes you might need. This will ensure you’re organised and focused when it’s time to be interviewed. You should also inform members of your household about the time you’re having the interview to minimise any interruptions. Additionally, turn off your computer and phone notifications to avoid distractions.

Prepare how you will answer common questions
Anticipate the questions you're likely to be asked and prepare thoughtful responses. Research questions that are often asked for the role in question, then practice how you would answer them clearly and confidently.

Compose your own questions for the interviewer
Interviews are a two-way street, so have some questions ready to ask the interviewer about the company, team, role, and expectations. The more thoughtful the questions, the more interested and engaged you will come across. 

Be yourself
Be authentic and true to your personality throughout. While it's good to maintain professionalism, don't be afraid to show your personal enthusiasm and passion.

With the right preparation and mindset, you can create a positive impression and increase your chances of landing the job. Remember that a successful video interview will require correctly functioning technology, professional presentation, and genuine enthusiasm for the role and company. We wish you the best of luck with your video interview!

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